Friday, September 12, 2008


I started my new job this week and have really enjoyed the extensive training. I have had lots of jobs where the training is lacking SO I have admired WFM for their desire to prep their new employees. I really like the company and it's not even about the food.

Here are a few things I have learned about WFM that makes them really cool:

1. They have reached a donation amount of $11.9 million dollars per year. Twice a year they give 5% of their profits to an organization (5% days). They are involved with micro-lending projects which provide loans to people in other countries so they can start their own businesses and take control of their lives. These loans have helped 2 million people get above the poverty line. All of WFM's food that cannot be sold because it is past the expiration date but still good, packaging damage, etc goes to a local church which feeds poor people. The church said they could not feed the large amount of people they do without Whole Foods.

2. They emphasis their integrity. They know customers are looking at them for their honesty. A customer knows that when they say something is organic it is organic and WFM has made every effort to keep it that way. They want their customers trust.

3. Through their Whole Trade guarantee, they help other countries economies. "With the market¹s inevitable price and production fluctuations, paying producers a better price for their product covers their costs and more." from WFM website.

4. WFM has a vast recycling program that is used in all areas of the store. They hope to be waste free by 2009 and are looking for products that are recycable. (I honestly don't really know if recycling is that big of a deal but I know that I like having an additude of not wasting things. I think that God wants us to take care of what he has given us and use it well.)

5. Not all of their products are certified by the USDA as organic. For instance, fish cannot be organic. However each item in the store is held to their quality standards so you know you are getting a product. Speaking of their seafood department, they get fresh deliveries from a day boat (a boat that goes out to see and comes back each day unlike other boats that might stay out for weeks) Monday through Saturday.

6. WFM has a private label called 365 Everyday Value that is very comparable to any other grocery store prices. Granted they still have $40.00 olive oil but they also have the $6.00 olive oil (I made up a price.) All of their 365 products are still held to their quality standards....wholesome, fresh, chemical, antiobiotic, hormone free.

So....go shop at WFM. :)

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