Thursday, April 16, 2009

What happened?

I'm sure everyone is wandering what happened to our blog. I accidentally deleted an email that logged into the blog. When I deleted the email, it also deleted me as an author on the blog. There's been a negative response from friends and family so I have decided to start a new blog at this address.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Opening Day.

Today is a big day in Casey's life. It's the Opening Day for his beloved St. Louis, Cardinals. This is the first Opening Day he has missed in 10 years! He's a little sad but excited because the Cardinals play the Diamondbacks in next week in Arizona. We are planning on going of course.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Mark Driscoll: a rockstar.

It doesn't matter if you are married or not. You should really listen to these.

For men. Hard core.
For women.
It's been a quick week for us. Casey accepted a job at our apartment complex doing maintenance. The lady that owns our apartment complex (friends of my Uncle/Aunt) offered Casey the job Tuesday. We are very blessed. He will start on Monday.