Sunday, August 31, 2008

Feeding Our Pig.

Kristin and I have had fun being married. One of the things that we have fun doing is going shopping... kind of. You see, we are so blessed to have an apartment stuffed with stuff that we have been given for free. We have a couch, TV, a bed room set and some much more that God's people have blessed us with. Our cabinets and drawers are full of stuff that is new and nice and FREE. We like to go through stores and look at all of the cool shiny things, but we usually leave empty handed saying the same thing "We are so blessed!"

We are able to save money and start our marrage having to buy nothing to have a full apartment. Thanks to our awesome family and friends we are able to "feed our pig".

So thanks you to everyone who gave us things that you were throwing out and thanks be to everyone who was able to give us a wedding gift! We feel very loved and know that we are blessed.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Casey and I are both excited about our 3 day weekend.

1. We are going to grill kabobs on our new BBQ. We got a great deal on one and Casey is really excited. Apparently it is illegal to use a grill on a wood patio in Overland Park.
2. I am going to cut Casey's hair. This is one of our saving money habits. Since Casey likes his hair cut every other day (kidding), we decided that I would cut his hair and save time and resources. (But we are not cutting my hair on our own.)
3. We are going to go through all of Casey's (I guess it's mine too....eeeek!) Cardinal stuff and get it organized. I'm going to go through my scrapcrap stuff.
4. We are going to sit down and work on our budget and get our system all worked out.
5. Sunday we are going to go to church.

And hopefully we will spend time doing absolutely nothing. :)

Have a fun, relaxin', quality weekend. (We miss you!)

Friday, August 29, 2008


Casey loves bumper stickers. This is his latest. When we drive by cars with pro-Obama stickers, he tries to get in front of them to force them to see his sticker. He's crazy.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

apartment update

Here are pictures of our little apartment. Though there is nothing glamorous about it, we like it. It's homey....which is important. We have a ton of stuff to fill in it, as you can see in the pictures.

It's come along way these past few days. Everything is organized in small piles that still need to be gone through so there's still work to do. But our kitchen and bathroom is put together since we have to use those everyday.

second bedroom: (one side is dedicated to Cardinals and the other wall will be scrapbooking)


family room:


I am currently listening to a sermon by Francis Chan (pastor in CA) on marriage. (My sister, a Francis Chan junkie, recommended them to me. I particulary like the one where Francis Chan's wife talks about submission. It's actually pretty funny and totally helps me understand submission....something that is hard to get a grasp on as a new wife. (Does my husband see the purity and reverence in me? Does he see gentleness and patience in me? Can Casey see Christ in me?)

Go here:

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

honeymoon pictures.

Baby Sofia.

Our good friends, Kylie and Ashley Reinken, had their little girl two days ago. We are so excited for them.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Duds 'n Suds

I just experienced my first ever trip to the laundry mat, Duds 'n Suds. (Our apartment has a laundry room in the basement of our building but it is a little sketchy so I am not allowed to do laundry down there.)

I had a ton of laundry to do. I washed all of our new sheets and towels and a bunch of Casey's clothes. (He has quite the collection of t-shirts.) It took me a couple of hours and a lot of quarters but everything is clean.

There were a few other people around doing laundry as well and I noticed that everyone was very nice and helpful to one another. It was very cool. I liked it.'s to many more trips to the laundry mat. Get ready.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Saturday, August 23, 2008

8 days.

We've been married for about 8 days and SO much has happened!

1. Casey and I got married about 1 week ago. We both loved our wedding. It was short, simple, fun, and lots of friends and family were there with us to celebrate. Andy Sharpe, pastor at Windsor Crossing, married us. He did an excellent job and added such a touch to the night. The church looked so a beautiful. I loved the candles and all of the reception area decorations. Everything was just as we wanted it. We both said that we wouldn't have changed anything.

2. Our honeymoon was perfect for us. We went to Gatlinburg, TN in the heart of the Smokey Mountains. We loved our little cabin. It was really nice. The weather was great...not to hot, not to cold, and no rain. We had 3 major activities: Gatlinburg, Dollywood, and Cade's Cove. We got lots of sleep-which was good since both of us were worn out from all of the wedding festivities. Though we didn't see any bears, we loved being in the Smokey Mountains. They were so beautiful. (Pictures to come as soon as a dig out my camera cords.)

3. We headed back to St. Louis post-honeymoon. We were able to spend a couple days hanging out with family and opening our zillion wedding gifts. (We are so blessed.) We did some laundry and get ready to head to Kansas City. There were tears though. I was sad to leave my family and home in St. Louis. I will miss my parents and siblings and friends a lot but I know that I am ready to leave and start my life with Casey.

4. And now we are pretty much up to date. Casey and I have been in Kansas City for a few days working on getting our apartment all situated. The second room of our apartment is full of boxes that need to get unpacked. But we are progessing. The kitchen is the first priority and it is almost done. Yay! It's coming together and I love having a home with Casey. We had our first trip to the grocery store today. That was fun and interesting. :) (Quote of the day from me while grocery shopping in bread aisle: "I hate white bread as much as you hate Barack Obama." )

5. Tomorrow we are going to try West Side Family Church. We are both excited to start a new church and make new relationships.

Both of us are glad to be married and start our lives together. It feels like it has been a long time comin'.

Thursday, August 21, 2008