Sunday, August 31, 2008

Feeding Our Pig.

Kristin and I have had fun being married. One of the things that we have fun doing is going shopping... kind of. You see, we are so blessed to have an apartment stuffed with stuff that we have been given for free. We have a couch, TV, a bed room set and some much more that God's people have blessed us with. Our cabinets and drawers are full of stuff that is new and nice and FREE. We like to go through stores and look at all of the cool shiny things, but we usually leave empty handed saying the same thing "We are so blessed!"

We are able to save money and start our marrage having to buy nothing to have a full apartment. Thanks to our awesome family and friends we are able to "feed our pig".

So thanks you to everyone who gave us things that you were throwing out and thanks be to everyone who was able to give us a wedding gift! We feel very loved and know that we are blessed.

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