Thursday, August 28, 2008

apartment update

Here are pictures of our little apartment. Though there is nothing glamorous about it, we like it. It's homey....which is important. We have a ton of stuff to fill in it, as you can see in the pictures.

It's come along way these past few days. Everything is organized in small piles that still need to be gone through so there's still work to do. But our kitchen and bathroom is put together since we have to use those everyday.

second bedroom: (one side is dedicated to Cardinals and the other wall will be scrapbooking)


family room:


I am currently listening to a sermon by Francis Chan (pastor in CA) on marriage. (My sister, a Francis Chan junkie, recommended them to me. I particulary like the one where Francis Chan's wife talks about submission. It's actually pretty funny and totally helps me understand submission....something that is hard to get a grasp on as a new wife. (Does my husband see the purity and reverence in me? Does he see gentleness and patience in me? Can Casey see Christ in me?)

Go here:


Katie said...

Good post. Yeah for pictures, I can't wait to see it after your through with it. It looked like there was some paint up, did you guys do that?

Anonymous said...

Casey wanted to paint his Cardinal wall blue. But I don't think we are going to paint anything else because I don't want to paint it when we leave. (Moving and painting at once....eeeeek.) But my Dad gave that paint to Casey so he did a while back when he was here by himself. It was right before all of his guy friends came for a weekend when the cards were playing the royals. :)