Thursday, January 22, 2009


Last night my family and I were talking about spiritual warfare, the theology behind it, and how we don't really pay very much attention to it as Christians. 

It started me really thinking about this strange thing that happened right before Casey and I were ready to head to St. Louis with all of our stuff. We were both sitting in the Saturn talking and this raggedy looking guy knocks on the window. He scares us both. We roll down the window and he tells us that we were going to be missed and that he liked our flags and things we would put on our porch (We usually had an American or Cardinal flags on our porch.) and that he was praying for us. He clarified what our names were and then was on his way. 

It was just weird because we never made any real relationships with anyone in our apartment complex. We had never seen him before. Apparently he talked to Casey earlier while we were packing but we still had no clue who he was. 

I just really like to think that he was an angel. Isn't that just a cool thought? [insert Entertaining Angels by Michael W. Smith] Who really knows? 

Angel or not, I do know God is in our lives and helping us down this path. He has to be because there is no explanation for how we have made it this far. I look back through foot surgeries, marriage drama, financial changes, job opportunities, school opportunities, etc. and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is guiding us. [insert tears] And despite everything we are doing really good. We have made wise decisions I think and have been smart but it hasn't been easy. We have come along way through our friendship, dating, engaged, and now married days. 


1 comment:

Katie said...

*Get excited* It only gets better! (and more crazy!)