Friday, February 20, 2009


(from Casey)
So we have made it to the valley of the sun. Or at least I think that is what it is called. As you can tell we are not Arizonians yet, however I did see my first cactus ever when we rolled into town. We have been staying with our Uncle Tim and Auntie Misty and their five boys: Kaleb, Austin, Tyler, Jordan, and Wyatt. It has been fun hanging out with them. It makes me want to have five boys of my own. We went to Kaleb’s basketball game yesterday. The good news is that they won. The bad news is that we didn’t stay until the end because Kaleb broke is little finger. Bummer… but I told him it was because Kristin is bad luck. We also went and looked at our new apartment yesterday. It is AWESOME. Such an upgrade from KC. Actually just about everything about AZ is and upgrade for us. God is at work and it is fun to be along for the ride. I also got a look at my new school, UTI. I just ran in to ask a couple questions and take a look at the place.

Today we are hopefully going to move into our apartment. (As a side note we are not really involved with the moving process. The apartment complex is having “their guys” move all of our furniture in for us. This is a huge blessing after move all of our stuff out of our old apartment by ourselves.) Then we are going to UTI to finish paperwork and other crap. Then we are going to enjoy the rest of our 78 degree days by being lazy…because we don’t have jobs…yet. Just kidding Kristin will not allow us to be lazy.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I like Casey posts. Glad to hear everything is going so well with you guys!
I thought it was weird that Kristin would say she wanted 5 boys....