Monday, December 22, 2008

Update on Casey

Since I'm not much of a blogger anymore, here is what I am up to.

So I put up Christmas lights for Kristin and a R.O.U.S. ate them. (Rodent of unusual size)

Something made a nest out of sticks and our Christmas lights.

I am helping this guy who has a Porsche garage. Here are some of the cars I've been working on.

Kristin had to work on Sunday afternoon so I decided, because it was 9 degrees outside, That I would go to the Chiefs game. I thought I could get a ticket for cheap because it was cold, the last weekend before Christmas, and well they're the Chiefs. So yes I got a ticket for $10 and then got my car towed and that only cost $205. I don't want to talk about it.

That is that and it pretty much sums up life.

I am trying to go to school to become a mechanic so you can pray for the process if you want.


Katie said...

This is very funny. I like Casey updates.

YB'S said...

Classic Casey Eldridge story. Only to Casey do things unfold this way. Sorry brother, I am laughing with you, I promise. Have a great Christmas!